Let it go

Did you know the plastic bag tax was introduced in Scotland in 2014. 2014 Fraggles!!! The year that everyone was singing “Let it go, let it goooooooo’, Apple announced the Apple watch and Sharknado 2 was released.

I think 5p for a plastic bag is pretty fair. It acts as a deterrent but means you don’t have to raid your kids piggy bank if you have to buy a plastic bag when you are out.

But would you pay £35 for a plastic bag? What about £235?

Unfortunately, you might be doing that without realising it. Vegan leather bags seem like a great alternative to animal based leather products but most vegan leather is actually PU (polyurethane) or PVC (polyvinyl chloride), both plastic based materials. So even though you might be cutting out single use plastics, or taking your own cup when you stop into Starbucks by buying one of these ‘pleather’ bags you are purchasing something that is harmful to the planet before and after it’s useful life.

That’s all a bit depressing isn’t it? But I do have some good news for you. Firstly, you are here which means you have excellent taste!! And although most of my products are made from leather, it is leather which was destined for landfill. Buying a product from F+H means you are saving valuable resources from being dumped without supporting the leather industry which has dubious credentials.

If leather is just not your bag (did you see what I did there?), I totally get it. Please stick around and hang out with us anyway, because everyone who enjoys some general silliness and puerile humour is welcome here! If you’re in the market for a bag, give me a shout to see if I can rustle up a fabric alternative to what you are after.

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